Tag: Market

  • SWEA Christmas Fair

    SWEA Christmas Fair

    We were at the SWEA Christmas Fair at Saint Mary’s, mainly for the crafts and the concert and not so much the food, although we did buy just a little bit. There were various Swedish food for sale including bottles of Glögg, bread, pastries, and candy. We did buy one of the Swedish buns, which…

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  • Mezcal Tasting at Tahona Mercado

    Mezcal Tasting at Tahona Mercado


    We had first heard about Tahona Mercado after sitting at the bar for dinner at Californios in 2022. It sounded like a really interesting place, but we never made it around to visit. And then after having such great experiences tasting mezcal in Oaxaca, I can remember sitting on the Aeromexico plane while we were…

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  • Crawford Market

    Crawford Market

    We had to buy some spices while we were here, so we went to the Crawford Market. We ended up at Spice King and picked up a nice variety of spices to take home. Can’t wait to try these at home. Yum! https://www.crawford-market.com

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  • Central de Abastos de Oaxaca

    Central de Abastos de Oaxaca


    after a great dinner yesterday at Casa Oaxaca, we were surprised to find out Chef Alex was going to be joining us for the entire day! He talked to us a bit about what kind of dishes we wanted. He ended up just building a mental list of everything to shop for based on that.…

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  • La Boqueria